I've switched off blackbox for now to openbox but also looking at
fluxbox again.  Other than waimea is it possible to somehow have a
second silt?  There were somethings about waimea I didn't like so I
doubt I'll bother with it again.  Also I tried sawfish and it was ok
enough I suppose but not my thing.(for one for some reason bbpager
wouldn't work)  I then tried oroborous and tho it installed and said it
was launching nothing happened.  I thought it was a stand alone window
manager or is there something I'm missing?  I know it's gnome complient
and stuff but I'm not running gnome.  Other than that I'm liking the
features of openbox.  One last question tho on the blackbox family of
window managers.  Is there someway to make bbpannel always on top?  When
windows are maximized they are covering it.  I've not seen anything in
the config file to alter to change that problem.




"The human heart feels things the eyes cannot see, and know what the
mind cannot understand." - Robert Valett

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