On Sun, 09 Mar 2003 18:41:15 -0700
Kent Jantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here is how I got it working:
> 1. Unmerge Openmotif and Lesstif if you have them installed
> 2. Emerge Mozilla
> 3. Emerge Blackdown-jdk(you can do Sun's version to but it takes about
> 3 hours to compile), make sure it's installing version 1.4.1.
> 4. Type 'java-config --list-available-vms' (look for Blackdown 1.4.1)
> 5. Type 'java-config --set-system-vm=blackdown-jdk-1.4.1'
> 6. Reinstall Openmotif or Lesstif if you had them installed.
> 7. Type 'env-update'
> Runs like champ.
> Kent

Hey cool it did work and works well.  I'm actually seeing the coffee cup
icon on load which I didn't notice before.  I did have to unmask java
1.4.1 for x86 but it's along side the 1.3.1.  Before I had tried on java
on mozilla related browsers and it just wasn't working(except for
phoenix because it was binary) and sun java likes at least 2G of space
to compile. :P




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