First of all, if this machine is so old that it didn't support drives over 1GB, does it have support for booting from the CD-ROM? Also, does it have a 586 processor? I don't know if that CD is built specifically for the 586 or just optimized for it, but it never hurts to ask.

Arnold Krille wrote:

I've got a little boot-problem here: We have a old Server. After a bios-update it is able to handle disks greater 1GB and boot from cdrom. I want to use the same gentoo-grp-i568-1.4rc2 cd I used for the installation of my laptop, but it isn't booting. I just doesn't get to the amazing bootmanager-screen of gentoo... Apart from using another cd-drive has anyone an idea or suggestions or heard of similar occurencies?

Andrew Gaffney

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