I've seen this lately, too.  However, it was when my dns server's were
changed.  Once my /etc/resolv.conf got updated, I was back to my normal

Hope this helps


On Thu, 2003-03-20 at 17:26, Denny Schierz wrote:
> hi,
> now it is time again. A Gentoo System (1.4) compiled on a Celeron
> 1100Mhz is with KDE slow again (slow konqueror, mouse moving etc.) (the
> user don't use gnome, icewm or whatever). I wrote times ago (Supject P3
> feels like an p300). I don't know why, the CPU is never higher than
> 5-6%, ram (128SDRam) he has around 60MB free and Swap ~1,3Gig.
> The compiler options are the default from the stage3 P686. DMA etc. are
> active.
> The Debian System was faster. He has a Nvidia GF2 MX, SB Live Asus
> board...
> On my own system i have none problems (AMDXP1700). 
> how can i find the handbrake.
> On the last mail, i reinstalled the whole system, but i don't want that
> :-/

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