Are you running dhcp?  I believe that will mess with the script unless you 
set one of the parametes telling it not to do it.

> Howdy. I've a small problem that is really starting to piss me off. I have
> a custom ntp.conf on my plaything gentoo box; all ntpd does on this box is
> maintain peer connections amongst all my home unix boxen (one of which
> syncs to outside sources). Whenever this box is rebooted (which is frequent
> as its also a new-kernel playground) something (I presume the ntpd startup
> script) proceeds to nuke my custom ntp.conf and replace it with the default
> ntp.conf, looking only at the internal clock. Well, I HAVE my own ntp.conf
> and I WANT it used. Can anyone help me make this thing keep blowing my
> desired conf file away?
> The only line I have uncommented in /etc/conf.d/ntpd is NTPDATE_WARN="n" .
> I guess I could feed ntpd an option to look at my personal .conf file;
> either way, though, I would at least like to know what bit is overwriting
> the default file.
> Also.. is there a man/doc package for ntpd?
> thanks,
> -r


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><

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