On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 09:07:09PM +0100, Jan Drugowitsch wrote:
> Is there any way with standard-gentoo tools to also keep track of
> software installed with ./configure && make && make install? I used
> install-log with LFS, but if there's a chance to use a different
> system I would be glad to hear about it.

I'm not sure about the "standard gentoo" requirement, but a very good
manager of compiled-from-vanilla-source packages is epkg:


It is similar in concept to GNU stow.

The basic concept is, rather than letting "make install" put
everything in /usr/local/[bin|lib|man|...], you do something ala "make
prefix=/usr/local/encap/packagename install" to put all the installed
files in another hierarchy, i.e.
/usr/local/encap/packagename/[bin|lib|man|...].  You then use epkg to
create symlinks from the encap/packagename directory into your actual
/usr/local hierarchy.

Note this program is not distribution specific.  I used it on Debian
for years to install the latest versions of some select packages.

Good luck.

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