On Friday 04 April 2003 11:13 am, Mark Bainter wrote:
> As a result, people who actually know what they are doing, and can 
> answer /real/ problems and questions will leave the list to avoid the 
> noise. 

I would tend, for the most part to disagree. Those few that do leave 
will be replaced by those they have helped, and the knowledge base will 
continue to grow.

> You can't expect gentoo to be all things to everyone.  It has a
> specific target.  It's meeting that target very well.  You can't
> criticize it for not hitting targets it is not aiming at.

        AMEN! I came over to Gentoo primarily because after 3+ years of using 
Linux, I had learned very little. 
        I use Gentoo specifically BECAUSE it forces me to learn. I started my 
first install on New Years Eve (last) So, after 3 months I'm far from a 
Guru but I've learned a lot more than I did in all my time with the 
"big 3" distros
Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

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