On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 11:46, Magnus Lie Hetland wrote:

> So... Given that I have no info (anymore) about what processes were
> running etc., I suppose finding out what was going on is a bit
> difficult (to say the least), but any insights would be appreciated.
> For example, are there any cleanup operations that could be done
> automatically and scheduled with cron? Could I have used something
> other than top (e.g. ps with some magic switches) to find out what was
> going on? When things slow down extremely such as this -- are there
> other likely causes than some process (or processes) hogging CPU
> and/or memory?

I've seen vi sessions, when they lose their controlling terminal, go
completely haywire then start consuming memory. One session started
taking over 400M. Were you, by any chance, using vi?

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