Hello, Chris!

>It might not be the source that differs, it could be a documentation 
>file. Perhaps there are files that were removed since the original 
>tarball. I'm not sure if they'd be removed as well or just ignored. 
>Theres really alot of things that could be different.

Thanks for explanation :). Now i understand. :)

>i'm pretty sure it's in the man pages, but you can change the md5 sum 
>that portage thinks is correct. This change is obliterated after every sync.

I know that i can. :) I was just wondering why they differ :).

>You might want to set up rdate even if you do get this problem fixed. 
>Theres a howto in the most recent gentoo weekly news.

I've already done so :). But it seems that it fixed up for now. :) Don't know 
what it was :).

>nvidia has their own drivers out for stable kernels. I'm not sure if 
>there are patches for 2.5 kernels or not, as they are harder to keep up 
>As far as i know, nforce motherboards (and assumingly nforce2) use are 
>usable using regular generic drivers (which are used on most 
>motherboards), and the nforce drivers are extensions to allow special 
>features to work, as well as anything past core functionality (including 
>builtin devices, etc.)

Yes, i know about their drivers - but because they are generic, kernel writes 
"Unknown IDE chipset...." stuff at boot, althowgh it works very well with it 
:). But 2.5.66 writes : "Nvidia nforce2 chipset detected...." :).
And Nvidia drivers for nforce2 (I've tried them) have only drivers for built 
in devices (LAN, video), but NOT for the chipset. :( 

>If that's your reason, be sure to fill out bug reports as well, then. 
>Testing isnt testing without feedback.

Of course! :) I'm ready to that :).

Any way great thanks for reply! )

Best regards, Dmitry.

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