On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Andrew Gaffney wrote:

> Rev. Jeffrey Paul wrote:
> > far, it's not possible to run exchange or ASP/VBScript on any unix i know
> > of).
> http://www.apache-asp.org/

That page -clearly- states it's an ASP/Perl interface -only-.  When
most people say "ASP", what they really mean is ASP/VBScript.

Active Server Pages is a method of embedding a script in a page to be
executed serverside.  99.9999% of such scripts are written in VBScript
(for execution on a Microsoft IIS webserver).  I have never heard of a
VBScript implementation for unix, nor have I ever heard of anyone trying
to make one.  The "ASP for Apache" module strikes me as totally bogus when
you can't run any of the scripts that people are talking about when
they're talking about ASP.

Thank you, drive through,

 Rev. Jeffrey Paul    -datavibe-     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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