On 6/6/03 3:18 pm, "Mark Knecht" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> So what im thinking is "emerge -e world", wont recompile the
>> dependences of
>> every thing, or will it?
> I am told now that it will. However, in reading the man page for emerge, I
> would not have guess that this was the purpose of the -e option.

They must've rewritten the man page in the last 2 or 3 months since I've
been using Gentoo. This used to be much more apparent.
>> So will "emerge -ed world" be better?
> I do not know. -d is 'debug'. Are you possibly thinking of --deep ? I
> thought --deep was also specified as -D, but looking at the man page this
> morning I'm not seeing that. Maybe the man page needs updating? More likely
> I'm mistaken.

I often use `emerge -u world --deep`, which is more comprehensive that
`emerge -u world` but less so than `emerge -eu world`.
>> And does a stage 3 install have all the required source code to recompile
>> everything?

If it doesn't, then Portage will download it. If previous posts have not
already answered your question, then I recently made a stage3 install. Then
once I had booted the system for the first time, I optimised my flags in
make.conf (from the examples at http://tinyurl.com/dpzi ) and then ran
`emerge -e world`. I believe this to have given me as highly optimised
system as most, without the hassle of a long install time.



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