
Try running "dmesg |grep devfs", the output should read something like "Mounted devfs on /dev". If that's not there, then you may not have your new kernel installed or booted.


Rick Sivernell wrote:

   For 3 weeks I have been trying t build a system, on a PIII w/
a 60g HD. The system builds ok from livecd, but when started on its own
I get 3 errors.

1. devfs not installed, bull shit I have set every thing on in
filesystem except debugging and it is set to [*], used the setup from a
running gentoo system, same mobo same drives types. tempfs installed on
boot to /etc/mtab, /etc/fstab is the same except hda partition a little

2. I have /dev/hda1 /boot ext2
/dev/hda2 swap
/dev/hda3 / reiserfs all on a 30g of space
/dev/hda3 /extended all of the rest of hd

3. no networking, even thought I have set everthing up in setup and it
worked nicely. even brought over hosts, nsswitch & resolve from working

I can get the msg from /var/log/msg file if need be, not much there.
any help appreciated. Really getting tired of this, it should work
without this much effort.


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