Yes, it has a fan.  However, I'm not a fan of overclocking anything.  I may 
try it later when I have time.  Right now I'm troubleshooting a RAID problem 
that is very intermittant and trying to get a backup system going so if I 
loose the RAID again I can recover without the install!

> On Saturday 31 May 2003 11:06 am, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> > Thanks, Ernie.  I'm running 1024x768.  It's good to know that the
> > drop is normal.  I guess Gears doesn't like full maximized windows.
> > I'm not going to mess with overclocking.
> >
> > > On Saturday 31 May 2003 04:35 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Brett,
> > >   The framerate drop at full screen is normal. The amount of drop
> > > depends on your screen resolution. I'm running 1920x1440 at the
> > > moment and framerate drops from 5820 F/sec to 210 F/sec when I
> > > maximize the window. Overclocking the card with NVclock (core and
> > > memory + 10%) give me 6270 and 230 F/sec.glxgears
> Brett,
>       I don't know if your card has a GPU fan on it but assuming it does, at
> least my card is completely stable at roughly 10% over default specs. I
> notice no jitter or nasty artifacts until I get to 20% over on the core
> speed. Heat doesn't seem to be an issue to me with my copper heatsink
> and fan.


Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><

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