On dim, 01 jun 2003, Shawn wrote:

> You said you tried bootstrap, but does that mean boot from your CD and
> do what /install.txt says?

I tried to bootstrap from the CD and form my HD, but none worked. I
have the same problem over and over again. The thing is :
1) I unpack the stage1 tarball from the CD,
2) I bootstrap, the first merge works,
3) The bloody script decides it's time for autocleaning packages, as
the packages on the CD (those that actually work) are older than the
packages available on my system, the script cleans everything up, and
I am back to zero, with working gcc, but no libs of any kind, no
'emerge', no 'ebuild'...

> If so, and if that fails, you need to "emerge unmerge glibc".
> If not, I suggest you save off your package mask file, your world file
> and make.conf, and any other config file you need, and re-do everything
> from the CD with the 3.2.3 compiler.

That's what I did, I saved the maximum of my configuration, formatted
everything and had the joy to recompile the whole thing. Fortunately I
just bought the latest zelda ;-)

Thanks for your suggestions,


> On Sat, 2003-05-31 at 12:59, Jonathan Chocron wrote:
> > Hi, I am in very big trouble here.
> > 
> > I used to use gcc-3.2.2 with -march=pentium4 and -msse2, and everything was
> > fine. However, some people on the list pointed out that gcc-3.2.2
> > generated erroneous code with -march=pentium4 and that I should be
> > using gcc-3.2.3 at least. I emerged gcc-3.2.3 with -march=pentium3,
> > then re-emerged it with -march=pentium4 in order to purge any
> > erroneous sse code. That done, I decided it was time to emerge -e
> > world, so I did. Everyhting was fine until it emerged glibc, at which
> > point I started havong some error messages like : cannot find
> > libgcc_s.so.1 : no such file or directory. This is anoying as no
> > python app can run now, so, no emerge, no ebuild, no nothnig to
> > rebuild my system. I even tried to bootstrap, but same error.
> > 
> > I did a locate libgcc_s.so.1, and found it in
> > /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-gnu-linux/3.2.3. I checked, it's there. I
> > checked my ld.so.conf, the correct path is there. I checked
> > /etc/env.d/05gcc, the path was there, and I tried an env-update, but
> > the script needs the library. In the
> > /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-gnu-linux/ directory, I added the following
> > symlinks :
> > 3.2.1 -> 3.2.3
> > 3.2.2 -> 3.2.3
> > 
> > It did not solve the problem, and I am out of ideas as this kind of
> > trouble is way out of my league. I'm starting to despair.
> > 
> > Any advice, please ??
> > 
> > Jonathan
> --
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