> I have "very newbie question".

I have a newbie answer!

> When I type startx as non-root user it says me
> that it couldn't load "fixed" font and it backs to console. Running startx
> root works fine. At the moment I log in as root into my linux and run kdm.
> configured kdm to log in into kde as non-root user. But I prefer logging
> non-root user and startx. I'd would be very grateful for any help.
> Thanks

Sounds like a font issue in XF86Config file.

Maybe could resolve by using XFS?  Might be worth a try:
Run this as root:
# rc-update add xfs default
# /etc/init.d/xfs start

Then log back in as regular user, and try startx again.

I'm a linux newb myself.. I'm trying to make the transition from both
FreeBSD (server) and XP (desktop)...
So far, I've come a long ways!


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