I'm trying to GTK+2-ify all of the old GNOME apps and
I just saw a screenshot of Gnumeric for GTK+2. I
didn't know this was available so I set about trying
to get it installed. When I do an emerge gnumeric, it
wants to install 1.0.13, but I see that there are
1.1.* versions. Are these GTK+2/GNOME2 versions? When
I try to emerge those versions, I can't because
gal-1.99 is masked which is a dependency. Does anyone
know why it is masked? I use to be able to look at
package.mask and find that kind of info, but I don't
know where that info is anymore. Also, does anyone
have a GTK+2/GNOME2 ver of Gnumeric installed?

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