On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 15:59, Ohad Lutzky wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 10:54:07PM -0700, Gכzim Hoxha wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I?m just trying to get my cd-rw working, I merged
> > cdbakeoven, but for some reason it didn?t work and
> > it?s hard to use.
> > 
> > I?m looking for some cd burning software that?s very
> > easy to use and nothing fancy/advanced; maybe
> > something like Easy Cd-Creater [windows]. And
> > hopefully I?ll get it working.
> I don't have a CD burner, but I have 3 alphanumeric characters for ya:
> k3b.

To expand:
        K3B is a KDE front end to the various command line cd burning apps that
exist.  It is quite nice to use, has a fairly simple and intuitive

As long as you have ide-scsi built into the kernel (or as modules) and
have the following on your "kernel" line in grub.conf:
where X is your CD-RW, K3B and it's setup program should configure
everything for you.

Troy Dack                                       http://linux.tkdack.com
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             http://webportage.sf.net

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