On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 01:15:11PM +0000, Christopher Egner wrote:
> You could use && or ||.
> && works only if the return is zero, usually meaning everything worked
> in the first program. The second, || only works if the return is non
> zero.

You guys aren't getting it... the command is already running. He's
thinking along the lines of this: "Okay, I'm downloading this file, it's
not resumable and already at 60%. It'll take a few hours more to
download and quite a while to untar it. I'm going to sleep now... I wish
I could tell it to untar once it's done downloading. Too bad I can't
start over without losing all the progress it already made."

As for the solution - I got nothing concrete, but here's my idea: Figure
out the PID of the process you want to be finished. Then create a script
that loops while the PID is existant, and once it's not - does whatever
it is that you want to do. Actually, that would be a one-liner. Here's
my idea:

First, get the PID using pidof. I'll call it $THE_PID
Then what you need is this:

$ while [ -e /proc/$THE_PID ]; do; sleep 5; done && echo "Process exited"

Of course, you change the echo command to whatever you want.
There might be a better way to do this, I usually such at shell-fu, and
the only thing I know about /proc is that if a process is running, it's
PID is there. :)

, but I'm
not sure ho


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