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Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
| Hi all,
| since vmailmgr for qmail is too slow for more than 50 users (i need a
| solution for around 500 users), I need another backend for my qmail
| users.
I dunno about this I was running vmailmgr for 15 domains with about a
1000 accounts and never noticed it to be slow. For either deliveries or
for people checking through both POP3/IMAP

| I am thinking about two possible choices:
| a) LDAP
| b) MySQL
I'm using ldap with the qmail-ldap patch from www.nrg4u.com.  With
install howto and overview from www.lifewithqmail.org/ldap.  It supports
clustering of POP3/IMAP accross multiple servers for an enterprise level
of user accounts, SMTP-AUTH (with additional patch) for relay
authentication.  It provides a checkpassword replacement for qmail-pop3
and a auth plugin for courier-imap.

There is also another patch that moves all the control files into the
ldap so you don't have to actually login to the box to add domains as
you can just put them into the ldap control structure and they are
picked-up on the fly (I think).

| And: I *need* a webfrontend to manage users (no webmail; just to add,
| edit and delete users and their email addresses).

There are a couple options for this.
1) You can use any basic web->ldap app and modify/add users on the fly
2) There is a specialized web frontend for the qmail-ldap schema
available here ttp://phpqladmin.bayour.com/.  I personally use the
phpqladmin it's quite slick.  I'm using a older version cause my LDAP
schema doesn't match up with the current phpqladmin layout. But either
way it works quite well.

Also if you do need webmail at anytime it integrates quite well with the
sqwebmail authdaemon-ldap for authentication, also it'll work with any
IMAP webmail.

| Has somebody experience with this config? Or maybe a good link with
| explainations for one or both solutions? With which one you had
| better experience? Which one is easier to setup and maintain?

The qmail-ldap isn't exactly straight forward, but as long as you have
some LDAP experience (all I had done previously was setup a LDAP roaming
address book) and a bit of qmail experience (having installed vmailmgr
you shouldn't have any problem here)

Overall I've found it quite stable and usable.  There are a few things
that caused problems every once and a while but that is due to the fact
that it's now relying on the LDAP server being up and fast.

As an example for a while logins/deliveries where taking a long time, it
turned out that indexing the LDAP server caused a 10 fold increase in speed.

- --Mike
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