On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 04:34:06PM +0800, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
> Just emerge updated the latest vim/gvim and am getting the error "E484:
> Can't open file /usr/share/vim/vim61/syntax/syntax.vim" on two systems.
> locate shows the file was there before the update.  I deleted in local
> .vi* files but still gives the error.
> Is the file missing from the package?

   As someone else has already said, it's not in the vim 6.2 package.  The
reason it's looking for the file is in your VIMRUNTIME environment
variable, which presumably still contains '/usr/share/vim/vim61'.  Just do
'export VIMRUNTIME=/usr/share/vim/vim62' if you're using bash, or 'setenv
VIMRUNTIME /usr/share/vim/vim62' for csh/tcsh, and that should get rid of
the error for now.

   Actually, getting rid of the VIMRUNTIME variable altogether also works;
'export -n VIMRUNTIME' for bash and 'unsetenv VIMRUNTIME' for csh/tcsh.

   I suspect (from a comment in the Changelog under vim-6.1-r3) that it was
set for vim 6.1 because of a flaw in the way Makefiles were done; since
that flaw has since been corrected, the /etc/env.d/40vim file that was
created back then to set the variable has since been removed.

   In any case, logging out and then logging back in again would also fix

Bryan Feir           VA3GBF|"A half-truth, like a half-brick, is more forcible
Home:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | in an argument than a whole one...
                           | it carries further."     -- Stephen Leacock

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