begin  quote
On Thu, 26 Jun 2003 09:59:01 -0600
Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Howdy all,
>       I'm running rhythmbox that I got from  After
>       getting
> Has anyone dealt with this already?  Logging out and back in doesn't
> seem to do anything.  I also can't seem to find where rhythmbox is
> writing the file, telling it which library to open.  I have a feeling
> that if I were to start it up without an mp3 library that it would
> work.

I think this is why you got it from, isnt it?  ;-) 
This is part of the reason that we decided not to suppor rhythmbox or
derivates in Gentoo proper. It simply wasn't stable enough to use.


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