On Thu, Jul 03, 2003 at 10:03:31PM +1200, Nick Rout wrote:
> Our LUG is doing a gentoo installfest on saturday 5 july and I have hacked
> the x86 instructions to include some local stuff like how to set rsync and
> gentoo_mirrors to our own server, and how to include distcc and ccache etc.
> My changes have been distinctively marked in a different colour and
> attributed as "CLUG" (Canterbury Linux Users Group). I intend to print them
> out and hand round, and also put them on our web server. The gentoo stuff
> is all intact, I have just added arounf 10-20 lines. 
> Are there any issues here? The gentoo copyright messages are intact.

There are no issues in your case. We're also going to put all documents
under a free license, GNU FDL or OPL, we're checking out which license suits
us best.

        Sven Vermeulen

Thanks to DRM, you know that something has been built in environment of 
unspecified degree of security, from source you cannot check, written by 
programmers you don't know, released after passing QA of unknown quality and 
which is released under a license that disclaims any responsibility...

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