> I'm looking for a database for use on my home systems - 
> doesn't have to handle large transactions.  I was planning 
> on using PostGRESQL but noticed Firebird and was doing 
> some reading on it.  Any pros or cons, experiences of one 
> vs the other?

I know a lot of people like MySQL and if you are looking for an open
source database with the most utilities written for it, MySQL may win. I
happen to likst PostgreSQL a lot though. I haven't kept up with MySQL
development much, so I don't know what of the following it may already
have, but I PGSQL has sub-SELECTs and transactions. I'll admit though, I
don't really need these things that often. Mostly, I just PGSQL because
it gives me a warm feeling inside. No real reason beyond that.

Zachary P. Landau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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