---------- quoting blade- ----------
> Has anyone worked out how to get spamassassin working with the The
> Virtual/Mailhost HOWTO
> <http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/virt-mail-howto.xml>, procmail sends
> the messages to well who knows but I dont get them. Or is there a
> way to get postfix to use spamassassin without procmail.

Look at this link [1], I think that's what you are looking for. Look 
into their files section, they have several handy scripts for Postfix 
there, one for using Postfix+SA as well.

Greetings, Matthias

[1] http://www.securitysage.com

Matthias F. Brandstetter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
listening to "Groove Salad: a nicely chilled plate of ambient beats 
and grooves. [SomaFM]"

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