On 2003-07-05 23:25, YOON, Joo-Yung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It exists for sure, and contains many settings therein,
> but the thing is it is not called or executed automatically
> upon logging in.  (I must do "source .bashrc" to realize it.)

I think what he was trying to say was you need to put a command in
~/.bash_profile to source ~/.bashrc.  Bash reads ~/.bashrc if the
shell is interactive and it's NOT a login shell.  If it's a login
shell, bash sources ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile, but not ~/.bashrc.
So, unless you have setting for non-login shells that you don't want
login shells to share, the thing to do is add a line like:

> > #This file is sourced by bash when you log in interactively.
> > [ -f ~/.bashrc ] && . ~/.bashrc

to your ~/.bash_profile.

To test if this the problem, run bash again from within your first
bash (i.e., type "bash" at the command prompt).  Is your ~/.bashrc
being sourced now?  (I'll go ahead and guess yes.)  Now run a login
bash (type "bash -l" at the command prompt).  This time, no ~/.bashrc.
Is that what's happening?

Hope this helps.


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