On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 02:19:56PM +0200, Thorsten Kampe wrote:
> > 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.354 ms
> > 64 bytes from some.host.name (xx.xx.xx.xx): icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.383 ms
> > WARNING: failed to install socket filter
> >: Protocol not available
> How do you connect to the internet? I'm having the same thing when I
> run 'netselect'/mirrorselect. After a short period I cannot ping a
> host on the "outside" - just on the LAN. This happens only when I
> connect over a CISCO router - not when over ISDN on the Gentoo box. 

 This thing happens anytime/anywhere. When I ping something in
my LAN I can see it too. ;(( 

Alex Radetsky                   

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