On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 02:50:00 +0200 Terje Kvernes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Daniel Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Mon, Jul 14, 2003 at 03:22:06PM +0200, Terje Kvernes wrote:
> >
> > > ordered a dual 1.8Ghz Opteron to do numbercrunching.  we've also
> > > bought a dual 3.06Ghz P4 Xeon with HyperThreading to compare it
> > > with, but there is very little doubt that the Opteron will come
> > > out first.
> > 
> > I wouldn't make that assumption. I could very easily see the dual
> > Xeon outperforming the dual Opteron -- make sure to test the
> > specific application first. In fact, I would wager that the dual
> > Xeon will outperform the Opteron in most situations, based on my
> > experience. 
>   we're mostly talking about locally produced pieces of Fortran
>   running over rather large datasets for a few days or weeks at a
>   time.  we're looking at mostly floating point and a few other
>   tidbits.  from what I've seen of similar tests, there is little
>   doubt that the Opteron will be a nice tool for the task.
> > The Opteron 240 seems to be performing somewhere between an XP 2000+
> > and XP 2200+; not even up to Athlon MP levels yet -- based on my
> > testing, which is by no means exhaustive. And hyperthreading can
> > make a very significant difference for many types of loads, too.
>   for our general case, HyperThreading gives almost nothing in the
>   best case.  worst case, it actually costs us some percent here and
>   there.  this is, of course, a known issue.
>   we're not talking about desktops running your-favorite-WM here.  :-)
> > Be sure to benchmark what you are actually going to be using the
> > machine for. A lot of us work under the assumption that "64-bit is
> > faster," and that's not necessarily true.
>   that much we know.  but, there is a reason why you'll still see
>   people running certain calculations on old Alphas, because they're
>   still the best ting for certain things.
>   Opteron isn't a desktop winner.  it's a decent performer for such
>   tasks, but not a winner.  for certain types of numbercrunching
>   though, all tests I've seen point towards a nice big boost.
>   Portland Group has some small tidbits about 64bit Fortran if one is
>   interested.  :-)
>   (and no, I don't do Fortran, I just like to test hardware.  :-)
> -- 
> Terje
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

A small thing ti consider also, the fastest production opteron is "only" a
1.8gig chip. Wait till the xeon stompers come out this fall...


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