On Wed, Jul 16, 2003 at 05:52:48PM -0400, MIKE MacMartin wrote:
> I installed postfix, and it's sending client returns the following error:
> fatal: gethostbyname: no such file or directory
> ... what's the fix for that?  I've also had the problem where I can't start 
> the receiving client (due to the initscript not being able to calculate 
> dependencies)

I am prolly talking rubbish but you might want to check your DNS setup,
gethostbyname is a C system call (see man gethostbyname).  

I really don't know much more than that hopefully someone with better C
skills than I will be able to help out here.[0]

[0] I own K+R but have only read chapter 1 ;)

Peace Jim

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