oom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> I have been pondering the fastest way to setup other gentoo boxes eg:
> I setup 1 box with the config I want and maybe even do a emerge -b so
> that binary packages are created.
> Now I want to go to another box install the base and type emerge world
> and watch the distro put itself together with the same pacakge
> configuration (minus /etc/ files etc).. how is the best way to do this ?
> I was thinking mounting the /usr/portage/distfiles via nfs (or copy them
> local) and grab the /var/db/pkg directory
> then emerge world -e
> Are there any other files or directories I will need to nab ?

Instead of /var/db/pkg/, what you probably want is /var/cache/edb/world.
Then emerge -u world should do it. (Test for yourself) Sharing or scp'ing
distfiles is also a good idea, as you mentioned.

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