Hey all.

I'm starting to work on my Gentoo OpenMosix cluster.  I've got the home node
working just fine, I think (forgot to re-emerge the alsa stuff, but that got
fixed easily).  I'm running a DHCP server on it, and now I want to create
a bootable CD for my wife's computer, so I can test out the cluster on more
than one computer.

I know I could just setup a directory for her system, chroot into it and do the Gentoo 
setup on there including all compiles, but as I need it all to fit onto
CD when it's done (at least for now), I'd like to bootstrap my existing
configuration to do it.

Once I can figure out how to do this, and have more than one node functional
on the cluster, I'll be able to faster compile everything on the home node,
and it'll migrate as necessary.  At least, that's the plan.  It should speed
up customization of other computers as well.

Can anyone point me to some M's to FR for this, or lend a hand in setting it

Thanks very much!

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