Matthew Gossage wrote:
Without sounding dumb ...

How ? :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Gaffney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 21 July 2003 05:11
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] creating custom instalation cds

matt gossage wrote:

Any one know how to produce a custom install cd.

that will install the same packages repeatedly on multiple machines, withouth having to fetch them?

You might want to consider creating your own custom stages. You could include the portage tree and all the distfiles that you will need. You can also include a script that runs the bootstrap and modified all the config files and such.

These are the steps I would use to accomplish this. Keep in mind that I have never done anything like this, so it is not guaranteed to work.

1. Make a directory to do your work in
        mkdir /tmp/newstage
2. Unpack a stage tarball into it
        cd /tmp/newstage; tar -xjvpf /path/to/stage1-blah.bz2
3. Chroot into this directory following the install directions
        mount -t proc proc /tmp/newstage/proc
        cp /etc/resolv.conf /tmp/newstage/etc/resolv.conf
        chroot /tmp/newstage /bin/bash
        source /etc/profile
4. Sync the portage tree
        emerge sync
5. Download files needed for bootstrap
        cd /usr/portage
        scripts/ --fetchonly
6. Download files needed for system
        emerge -f system
7. Write a script that performs all the steps of the install
        cd /usr/portage
        emerge system
        [more lines to setup config files here]

This way, instead of using a default stage tarball, you're using one that already has a complete copy of the portage tree and all the files that you'll need to build a system with the versions of packages in that portage tree. You'd only have to do a few steps yourself to install on each machine: make the partitions, unpack your custom stage tarball, chroot, edit /etc/make.conf to reflect the hardware your're installing on, run your script to automate the rest of the install. Like I said before, I have never done anything like this, so take this all with a big grain of salt. Anyone who sees any flaws in this or has ways to improve upon it, please speak up.

Andrew Gaffney

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