On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Bobby R. Cox wrote:

>I heard of or read about an app that tricks the pop customer into
>thinking they are checking their mail as often as they like, but only
>really allows one check per an allotted time.  
>Am I remembering correctly or is this just wishful thinking. 

I don't know of anything like this, but I think i would handle this on a 
per user basis.  Give the customer a call and let them know that checking 
for e-mail every minute is not necessary.  If they are waiting for a 
message to arrive, they can hit the send receive button and get it that 

Personally, I think 5 minutes is a good timeframe for checking e-mail, 
although on slow days at work I bet I check it every minute for new 
messages from my various mailing lists.

I've run ISP's that range in size from 200 users to 2000 users and never 
had a problem with people popping in often.  Sure we had users who would 
pop in every minute, but it didn't put any noticable strain on the server.  
It was an old P133 with 64MB of ram running RedHat 4.0 if that tells ya 
how long ago =)

Christopher Fisk
BOFH Excuse #264:
Your modem doesn't speak English.

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