On Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:18:30 -0400, brett holcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>It means 2.x is installed and it want's to install 
>(installing another version when one is installed is 
>evidently considered an upgrade) the other version.

I understand what it means in this instance, what I'm saying is that
it's misleading because (as was pointed out earlier), they're really
treated by portage as distinct packages.

In this case, the lack of an "R" may tip someone off, but that is not
sufficient in all cases.  In the reverse situation (someone has
gtk-1.x.y installed, and they are going to emerge gtk-2.x.y), there is
nothing to inform the user whether the bracketed version, [1.x.y]
would be deinstalled as a result of the emerge, because the "R" flag
would not apply either way.

I think that it would be clearer if a different notation were chosen
for "highest version installed of a different slot", and the bracketed
form were kept for "installed version of the same slot".


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