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Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
| Hi,
| I don't want to start a flame, but i'm wondering whats the best
language to use with apache. I don't know both and going to learn one.
| I know that perl can be used "standalone" of php i don't know.
| All your thoughts are welcom.
| Patrick
Both can be used standalone, php comes with a interperator as well as
the mod_php for apache (emerge php mod_php).

Which is better really depends on what you're trying to do.  For quick
sysadmin tasks and that kind of thing perl all the way.

On hte other hand if you're going for dynamic DB driven webcontent php
would be the way to go.

Either can technically do both jobs but each one is better suited for
doing just one.  So it really depends on what you're planning to do, if
you just want to learn one, just to have something to know I would
probably go with perl as it's more well rounded.

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