On 07/27/03  Sami Näätänen wrote:

> On Saturday 26 July 2003 20:03, Janne Johansson wrote:
> > On Sat, 2003-07-26 at 19:46, Jason Calabrese wrote:
> > > I use the sun-jdk which I think is actually mislabeled in the
> > > Portage tree. The sun-jdk actualy installs Sun's java sdk not the
> > > jdk.
> >
> > As I see it sdk==jdk, sdk == software development kit and jdk ==
> > java development kit. The sun jre (java runtime environment) seems
> > to be missing though, but who needs it.
> SDK != JDK
> SDK means the development of the java tools (ie compiler interpreter 
> etc) JDK means development of java programs so there is a big 
> difference.

No, SDK == JDK. The only difference is that Sun decided that JDK is for
Java1 (1.0 and 1.1 series) and SDK is for Java2 (1.2 and higher). Check
Sun's Java site, you only get SDKs (no JDKs) there for recent Java
versions. People just call it JDK because Java2 SDK is longer and JDK is
easier to remember.


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