Hi Canek,

1. I haven't used gnome for ages and I don't know the answer to that.
2. If you use xfs (X font server), did you change the catalog of font
   directories in the file/etc/X11/fs/config? After changing that
   execute 'fc-cache -f' and you should be ok.
3. To get the system to shutdown you need to have apm support compiled
   as a module or even better compiled in the kernel.

Hope that helps! 

On 26 Jul 2003 18:39:18 -0600
"Canek Pelαez Valdιs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi; all my Gentoo systems (desktop Athlon 1.3 Ghz, "server" Pentium
> 166 Mhz, and laptop Pentium IV 1.8 Ghz), are near perfection. Really;
> they work so good I want to cry of joy.
> This unbelievable heaven it's just not perfect because some little
> annoying things:
>   1. In both my Gnome setups, I've a submenu in the Applications menu
>   that
>      says "KDE Menu" (I've KDE for some apps). The icon in the menu is
>      a page with a red cross (I assume that the icon is missing/not
>      found). I want to change that for a) remove it or b) set the
>      icon. (I know this is almost ridiculous, but really the system is
>      near perfection).
>   2. First time I install Gentoo, I've BEAUTIFUL fonts in Mozilla
>   (really,
>      the guys at the work with Windows or Mac OS X where like
>      "whoa!"). Then(I think it was when XFree 4.0.3 was marked
>      stable), I loose those fonts(along with my japanese fonts; I surf
>      a lot of japanese sites). Now I manually install a lot of fonts,
>      and Mozilla it's Ok, but not perfect. So, anyone knows how to
>      configure ALL the fonts in Mozilla (not only the GUI, I mean, ALL
>      the fonts)?
>   3. My Athlon no longer shutdowns. When I halt the machine, the
>   console gets
>      a "power off" message, and stays there. I don't know why this
>      happen; I don't remember recompiling my kernel, and it used to
>      work. This is the most annoying thinh, because I can't shut down
>      the machine by a script or remotely.
> Any help with these issues will be great. Thanks!
> Canek
> -- 
> The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the
> difference between lightning and the lightning bug.
>               -- Mark Twain
> --
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