Hello Niklas,

On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 23:29:51 +0300
Niklas Koponen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was thinking that first I copy the media-gfx/sane-backends
> directory to /usr/local/portage.
> Then I copy sane-backends-1.0.11.ebuild to
> sane-backends-1.0.11-r1.ebuild.
> Then I add the patching to src_unpack.
> Then I add PORTDIR_OVERLAY="/usr/local/portage"
> But what then?

You'd better create an sane-backends-1.0.11.ebuild in
/usr/local/portage/media-gfx/sane-backends/, rather that -r1. If there
will later be an official -r1 ebuild, it would be overwritten by your
own ebuild.

Then simply `emerge sane-backends` or `emerge /path/to/your.ebuild`.

> Am I going to a totally wrong direction?

You could either write you own ebuild or apply the patch manually. I
suggested adding a MY_PATCHES environment var in gentoo-dev ML, but
they did not like it. Matt "frogger" Rickard answered this:

This is possible using the ebuild command explicitely.  'ebuild
ebuildname.ebuild unpack', apply the patches you want (to
/var/tmp/portage/ebuildname), then ebuild compile, install, and

Not completely automated, but how often does one need to add
additional patches to packages?  I've found this method to work quite
well for me.

        Florian Huber

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