
On Tuesday 05 August 2003 19:46, Alberto Bert wrote:
> Hi all,
> I don't know why watching to a ps output of dvips by using gv I get
> orrible font. But when I try to print (using another computer, I have
> not printer) the ps file is ok.
> Should I install some fonts?

If the ps file just looks blocky then it is due to Type3 fonts used by dvips. 
Type3 fonts are bitmap fonts and are designed to be used at a certain 
resolution. So if you view it with a gv it zooms the fonts rendering the 
fonts blocky. Printing is okay though, because there is no zooming involved. 
The solution would be to use Type1 fonts. When converting the dvi file to 
postscript just issue the following command:
   dvips -Ppdf -o file.ps file.dvi
This will use the "pdf" printer driver which uses Type1 fonts when they are 
available. And since you use gentoo all of that is included with tetex.

On the other hand, as far as I know gv always does a great job when rendering 
Type3 output. You just have to turn on antialiasing. When making pdf though 
you should get rid of those Type3 fonts and use Type1 whereever possible.

Hope that helps.


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