On Tue, Aug 05, 2003 at 08:14:37PM -0500, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote:
> Well, that program looks rather dull ... arch and -O3 pipe ... big
> deal :) What about C++ optimizations such as -fmemoize-lookups and
> -fsave-memoized ???
The amount of optimization that comes from -O3 -march=... versus running
without those options provides a far greater performance benefit than
going and further tweaking the flags.

-fmemorize-lookups and -fsave-memorized have been obsolete a VERY long
(ditto for their original misspelling of memoize-lookups). Gcc and G++
refuse to compile code if you try to use them now, and afaik this has
been the case since they were removed way back in the days of egcs.

The genflags programs has specific hooks and support for adding in
whatever flags you want into it's database. When a given flag can be
proved definetiely safe then it can be a candidiate for the database.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Home Page  : http://www.orbis-terrarum.net/?l=people.robbat2
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