On 08/07/03  Kees Bergwerf wrote:

> On my SuSE linux machine I have x-chat 1.8.10 and on my gentoo linux
> machine I have x--chat 2.0.4
> In the 2.0.* versions there are buttons missing :-(
> In x-chat 1.8.* there are right from the topic a few buttons 
> [T][S][I][P][M][B][L]
> (topic protection, intive only, ban list etc)
> Does anybody know how I can get these buttons in x-chat 2.0.4 on my
> gentoo machine?

The buttons were there with xchat-2.0.0 and not with xchat-2.0.3, so
they were removed somewhere between that. I'd check the changelogs for
these versions to see what happened, but I don't need the buttons :-P


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