>-- Messaggio Originale --
>Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 12:01:05 +0100 (WEST)
>From: Jorge Almeida <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [gentoo-user] [OT] audio cassette -> digital
>I would like to convert the contents of an audio cassette to a digital

format. This is not gentoo specific, but I don't know anything about this

matters. Any tips/links-to-doc/pointing-to-the-right-direction would be

appreciated! My sound card is
>an Ensoniq 5880.

Ok, best thing is to use a good cassette player like stand-alone stereo
for playing cassettes. Then, 'bout capturing sources, I'd suggest to use
a mixer between audio cassette player and your sound card, 'cause this can
help to balance the audio level input.
Third, about the line cable: Be sure to use the right cable: Here we have
two kind of cable: balanced, and not balanced: if your card have a balanced
line (useally it's so), and you use a not balanced cable, you could get
wrong things: 'actually you could burn your audio card, be carefull !

P.S.: the last suggestion I have is about disgusting rumors: record a blank
piece from your cassette (one blank piece from all your cassettes), then,
register your cassette, and, finally, use the blank piece as a sample filter:
this way, I experimented, you can wash out generic "white rumor" and, also,
the specific "white rumor" produced by the specific cassette playback ;-))

P.P.S.: If you can, try to get help and
Hope I've been something helpfull,

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