On Thursday 07 August 2003 03:06 pm, Gentoo wrote:
> eList,
>       Hi everybody..
>       Every time I use emerge -S to look for something I've got to wait an
> eternity for results to appear.. so .... I feed up with this and I was
> thinking to turn the whole portage system (the pseudo database I mean) into
> mysql, what do you think about that?
>       As far I could see It's not so hard to translate. In this moment I'm
> writing a bash script (no pyhton knowledge sorry) to try to full the mysql
> database with the portage data.
>       And obviusly the benefits are a lot.
>       So.. I'm expecting your thoughts about this.

There are many _VERY_ long threads about this.  Please dig through the 
archives.  I do not want another long thread like this to start up again - 
it's just not bandwidth-smart.

I will summate the thread though: MySQL is too big and cumbersome, OpenLDAP 
would be the best solution; however, it is not feasable to be implemented any 
time soon.

Zack Gilburd
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