
Recently, I began using linux-2.6.0-test3 and experienced the following problems.

(1) Touchpad did not work - filed as http://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1072
(2) Could not open shell window (Eterm) - fixed problem myself and did not file

Other than that it's been mostly fine.

My question is how can I put the 2.6 development series of kernel through more aggressive testing or benchmarking that will manifest more bugs if any? The more bugs that are reported the more stable and featureful the final release may become. However, under normal usage there is little evidence of those elusive bugs rearing their ugly heads which may become evident under prolonged or heavy use.

How can I turn the heat up? And what problems have you faced with 2.6 series? It may of course be that the test3 is in extremely good shape and is nearing a final release :-)

With regards.
Dhruba Bandopadhyay.

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