On August 9, 2003 07:22 am, Gareth Jones wrote:
> I would like to make root read only, but it seems that this is not
> possible. I've put /var, /home, /tmp and /usr one different file systems,
> and that works ok - but gentoo writes to /etc during bootup. I can't put
> /etc on a separate file system, because it is needed during boot.

AFAIK, mount hardcodes the the mtab to be in /etc, meaning that /etc can't be 
on a separate partition, nor a read-only partition. The best you can do is to 
keep a daily backup of your /etc partition, and ensure the file permissions 
are as restrictive as possible (ie. chmod 400/444 <file>). However, you may 
want to look for diskless setup HOWTOs, as this issue must be addressed in a 
diskless boot. Finally, you could also have a script similar to the *BSD 
daily output/insecurity logs to keep track of changes to critical 
configuration files.


A career is great, but you can't run your fingers through its hair.

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