If I remember from my WinME/Win2K days starting with WinME (and maybe Win98 but that beta was a long time ago <G>) you could install Windows anywhere on the disk. However, I seem to remember it needs part of the first drive to put ntloader, etc. on. But that all was a while back!

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 09:29:52 -0400
 "Vincent van de Camp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh, and about the windows-not-on-the-first-partition, I seem to remember that grub can trick windows into thinking it IS on the first part, even if it's not. But I haven't played with that.


oom wrote:

> On Mon, 2003-08-18 at 16:50, Chris I wrote:
> > On 2003.08.17 23:50, oom wrote:
> > > You shouldn't need to recover the bootrecord, in fact you should be
> > > able
> > > to set grub up to boot your XP partition, not sure how you have your
> > > partiation table layed out (give us an fdisk -l /dev/hda).
> >
> > Unfortunately, the problem that Vincent is having (and I have had in
> > the past) is that he accidently wrote grub to (hd0,0) instead of (hd0).
> >
> > To the best of my knowledge, the windows bootloader is on hd0,0 (the
> > windows mbr simply boots the first primary partition with the boot flag
> > set, usually hd0,0)
> Couldn't he change the active partition with fdisk ?
> > Whether he was to reinstall grup properly or not, this leaves an
> > unbootable windows partition. Usually windows isnt kept around purely
> > for bragging rights, so he probably wants to fix it ;)
> Hmm, i'm not an NT/XP expert, but I had a similar situation with a '98
> box where lilo blasted away the windows partition, fdisk /mbr fixed it
> no problem.
> Shouldn't he be able to start with a bootdisk configure grub with (hd0)
> and add XP to the list of O/S's to boot ?
> Or do you also need the boot code sitting on /dev/hda2 to load windoze ?
> > > (AFAIK you can't install XP on any partition higher than 0 anyway)
> >
> > you can with any of the NT-based windows versions, iirc, and at the
> > very least with xp.
> Hrm, well I don't know why after installing linux on a friends laptop
> and then trying to install XP to /dev/hda3 an error popped up saying
> something to the effect of "Windows must be installed on first partition
> of disk" fortunatly it was just a debian/knopix install and he just
> wanted linux for curiousity's sake ;-) me being enthuiastic and thinking
> microsoft wouldn't complain about not having their O/S first on the
> disk, just slapped linux /dev/hda1 swap /dev/hda2 xp /dev/hda3 grr.
> after
> xp /dev/hda1
> linux /dev/hda2
> swap /dev/hda3
> all worked fine..
> Or did I miss something to do in XP ?
> --
> ooM
> --
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