stephen wrote:
I'm replacing my P3 850/Asus CUV4X with an Athlon 2700+/Asus A7N8X-X, but would like to keep my gentoo intact as much as I can.

Currently I use CFLAGS="-march=pentium3 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" and have things like mmx and sse in my USE flags (should I take those out and use 3dnow instead?). I also use LVM with vgroups for usr, usr/local, var and tmp.
I wonder if this will even boot now. Can anyone give me some hints about the best way to make the transition? Any help appreciated.

The Athlon XP supports MMX and MMX2 as well as 3DNow and 3DNow2, so that in itself isn't a problem, (assuming this is indeed an Athlon XP... you only state Athlon in your description, but I don't think there is an Athlon 2700+).

The main problem will be pentium3 specific instructions used because of the -march switch. Unless someone can state for certain that the Athlon XP is backward compatible with the pentium3, (unlikely), you will need to recompile your entire system.

In theory, emerge -eD world, should do this. However this poses a problem in itself, because if you compile it on the old motherboard, with -march=athlon-xp, it will break when a newly compiled utility tries to use athlon-xp instructions on the P3.

It may be possible to untar the i386 stage1 tarball over the top of your existing system, which would mean your base system, (bare bones boot, glibc and compiler), will run on the new motherboard.

You should then be able to 'emerge -eD world'. Don't take this for gospel :)


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