Thanks for your help all, this is what i ended up doing, can anyone tell me if this is bad security wise in anyway, it seems to be working fine. Now I won't have to ssh in all the time to check for updates.

  echo "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <blade->"
  echo "From: system <root>"
  echo "Subject: Updates available"
  echo The following updates are available:
`emerge sync 2>&1`
emerge -uDpv world > /tmp/pkg.tmp
cat /tmp/pkg.tmp | grep ebuild ) | /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
rm /tmp/pkg.tmp

the email it sent looks like this

The following updates are available:

[ebuild UD] dev-perl/URI-1.23 [1.24] [ebuild UD] dev-perl/Time-HiRes-1.47 [1.50]

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