On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 02:13:19PM +0100, Stroller wrote:
> On Monday, 25 August 2003, at 11:53 am, Ronald Landheer-Cieslak wrote:
> >I'm looking to buy a CD(-set) containing the current (or 1.4) portage 
> >tree.
> >I am *not* looking for pre-built binaries: I want to avoid having to 
> >download
> >the distfiles as I have a simple modem connection and I want to update 
> >my
> >installation (and install Lyx, which requires tetex, which is >50 MB 
> >with its
> >dependencies)
> >
> >...Any pointers? Do the pre-built CDs come with sources? Is there a 
> >source-only
> >distro?
> On Tuesday, 22 July 2003, at 11:10 am, Stroller wrote:
> >
> >...you may find this list positng from April interesting:
> >
> >On 17/4/03 2:38 pm, "Kurt Lieber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >>On Thu, Apr 17, 2003 at 02:11:37PM +0200 or thereabouts, Gour wrote:
> >>
> >>The entire distfiles tree is roughly 18GB, so no, it is not available 
> >>on
> >>physical media at this point.
> >>
> >>There is one vendor, Hiiq Inc, that does sell a DVD which contains a 
> >>subset
> >>of the distfiles tree for $10.  I do not know exactly what is/isn't 
> >>on that
> >>DVD -- you would need to talk to the vendor to get that info.
> >>
> >>http://www.hiiq.biz/store/index.php?manufacturers_id=10
> HTH,
> Stroller.
Actually, not really: I don't have a DVD reader.

I don't actually need the entire portage tree, of course: just the bare minimum
to have a working lyx would be nice already, and perhaps what's needed to get
a run-of-the-mill system compiled.
I'd actually be surprised of the "stable" versions of all software together 
would amount to 18 GB - there must be a lot of stale and experimental stuff in
there, right?

Anyways, what I need is a way to:
* run pstools, ghost*, etc.
* run TeTeX & friends
* run X
* run either KDE or Gnome (I prefer the latter but I think KDE is more popular
This would already require quite a bit of space, but I'd be surprised if it
surpasses a gigabyte (i.e. Cygwin has all the tools I want and it, including
source, fits on a CD (though barely).

Most Linux distro's sources fit on three or four CDs - I don't see why Gentoo

Thanks anyway,


NB: if there's anyone in Paris on this list that would be willing to provide me
    with a CD-set with freshly-burned sources (for a reasonable fee, of course) 
    please mail me privately! thx
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