> What is this project?
> Adding gentoo-esq automatic source compilation to debian, or debian package 
> management systems/ability to gentoo?

It's Debian, Gentoo-style.  Completely Debian, automatic (Debian) source
compilation, with control like Gentoo, but completely optional, unlike Gentoo.

> I don't mean to be patronising or critical, it's just I don't understand :)

That's OK!

> Doesn't debian already have source packages? (deb-src apt sources) Never used

> them myself, so don't know how they work.

Yes, it's manual and a pain.  We want to add automatic setup to build any and
all Debian packages.

> I moved from debian to gentoo myself, over a year ago. But there is still one

> box here running debian, which I hate touching. dpkg and apt just don't cut 
> it for me anymore :)

I moved from RedHat to Debian about a year ago.  Dselect sucks but apt is still
better than straight RPMs!  No more dependancy heck.  Free updates.  I've even
added Apt to my RH servers (:

I liked Gentoo's control and performance advantages but didn't like recompiling
EVERYTHING (yes I know some things are now precompiled).  And I liked many of
Debian's features, so the concept is Debian with Gentoo's sweet performance

I only announced it here in case there were any ex-Deb users (or curious Gentoo
users) who left because "Debian didn't doo dat."

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