Hello Paul!

Thank you ever so much for taking the moment to write. I just went
through and tested kmail with the settings you suggested and still
no success... :-(

However, at this point, having seen that you don't appear to have
any problems, and assuming your running a fairly standard instance
of Gentoo/Kmail, I'm beginning to wonder if something didn't go
wrong with my system along the way.

What I'm doing now is re-merging aspell, aspell-en, and then I'll
give it another go. If it is the KDE side of things that needs re-merging
I don't know when I'll find the time seeing as I'm only running on a
laptop with a Celeron 550mhz... ;-)

Again, thank you very much for the note of suggestion. It's truly
greatly appreciated.

All the best,


On Thursday 28 August 2003 03:18, Paul Stear wrote:
> Hi Steven,
> I have just seen this thread and have checked how mine is set up.
> In kmail composer
> Tools  -> Spelling    ( to operate or the ABC button at the top(
> Settings -> Spellchecker
> Dictionary  English ( United Kingdom)
> Encoding ISO 8859-1
> Client Aspell
> If you do not have aspell do    emerge aspell aspell-en, this should put
> everything in place.
> The other way to set it up is from the control centre spanner on the task
> bar and goto kde components -> Spell Checking
> I hope this works, let me know, good luck
> regards
> Paul
>       -- This message was sent using gentoo linux and kmail --
> --
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